As a freelancer I exclusively work from home (or wherever I may happen to be). I am used to maintaining a schedule and managing my time and environment to reduce distractions and stay productive. With major employers implementing mandatory work from home restrictions to help slow the spread of COVID-19, many people are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory. Isolation can lead to lack information sharing and reduced productivity if not managed properly. Here are some ways to cope when everyone is WFH. Schedule Wisely Understand when people may be most likely to be distracted by pets, children, roommates, partners, etc., and schedule meetings during quiet times. It is OK to ask someone "when is a good time for you when you'd have the fewest number of distractions?" Create Virtual Spaces to Collaborate Most people use chat or some sort of collaboration tool on a regular basis but organic conversations are still valuable. When everyone is remote you lose the opportunity to drop in on an overheard conversation or may inadvertently leave out someone of a discussion. Set up virtual channels for topic discussions where everyone can participate. Pin decisions and action items or use tools to maintain tasks and updates. Find virtual ways to recreate physical boards or have one person maintain them and use video conferencing to update. Share Tips and Tricks If you work remotely frequently, chances are you have some tricks up your sleeve to get the most out of virtual collaboration. Post short tutorials sharing your experience. It is possible a team member has never dialed into a conference call themselves and are unfamiliar with the tool. Help Others Help You As we all adapt to 100% WFH for the time being, be patient. Set realistic expectations about what you need to be successful. If someone is struggling ask them what you can do to help get them back on track. Be clear and concise in your written communication and do not be afraid to pick up the phone if needed.
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October 2021